Air Pollution
Clean Air for Kids
Acid Rain
Air Quality
Climate Change
Global Warming
Ozone Depletion
300+ topics about the Environment - Click on the links to the left

This website is an encyclopedia of the atmospheric environment, with educational material for range of topics including Acid Rain, Air Quality, the Atmosphere, Climate, Climate Change, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Sustainability and the Weather.

The material covered within them includes topics on air pollution (air quality and acid rain), 20th and 21st century global warming, climate change through Earth history, the ozone hole, renewable energy and energy efficiency, transport issues, waste recycling and waste management.

It is aimed at the general public and for secondary school children wishing to learn more about air pollution and climate change issues.

Acid Rain
Topics covered include the air pollutants which cause acid rain, transboundary pollutants and their chemical conversion. The effects of acid rain on buildings, freshwaters, trees, soil, health and measures on controlling these pollutants are also covered. The problem of acid rain has been geatly reduced in western countries due to controlling the sources of acid pollution but in less developed counctries, there is a rising problem of acid rain.

Air Quality
A comprehensive set of factsheets on types of air pollution, sources and the impacts of air pollution on health and the environment. Measuring air pollution around the UK and the historical changes are also reported.

Over thirty factsheets on the science of the atmosphere including information on gases, atmospheric layers and the ozone hole.

A series of factsheets covering the global differences in climate from savannah to tropical, wind patterns and important interactions between land and weather around the world.

Climate Change
More than thirty factsheets on climate change with emphasis on the historical context including how measurements can be made on changes which have occurred over millions of years.

Global Warming
A look at the influence of human emissions in the twentieth and twenty first centuries in around forty factsheets which highlight the impacts for the future.

Ozone Depletion
More than thirty factsheets on the impacts of ozone depletion and the ozone hole with particular focus on human health such as skin cancers and eye disorders.

Around forty factsheets on energy and renewables. This set of resources includes information on biodiversity, the different types of energy including fossil fuels, hydro electric power, solar power, nuclear power, geothermals, wind power and biofuels. The importance of planning and conservation for a sustainable future are also included in these resources.

A comprehensive set of resources on weather including all types of precipitation, clouds, weather fronts and measurements of weather.

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